Registration for the 2nd Semester of Summer Sports Schools has Started

Registration for the second term of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Summer Sports Schools, which will be held in the company of expert trainers to enable children to make the most of their summer vacations and showcase their talents, has started.

Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, which continues its efforts to spread the sports culture in the city and raise champion athletes, has started the registrations for the second term of the Summer Sports Schools opened in Altıeylül, Karesi, Bandırma, Edremit and Manyas districts. Children will be able to register between July 16-August 2 for the courses to be held with expert trainers to ensure that children make the most of their summer holidays and showcase their talents. Citizens who wish to register can do so at the registration points set up at the Public Transportation Center Salih Tozan Cultural Center and Avlu Life Center, and online at https://basvuru.balikesir.bel.tr/Home/YazOkulu.


The Summer Sports Schools, which will be organized in 14 different branches including muay thai, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, kick boxing, karate, chess, wrestling, gymnastics, judo, taekwondo and boxing for children between the ages of 6-14, aim for children to make the most of their summer holidays and become individuals who grow up by doing sports.