The Cat whose Treatment was Completed was Released to its Natural Habitat

The citizen, who brought the cat he found sick on the street to the Bandırma Street Animal Treatment Center of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, saved the life of the animal friend. The cat, which was found to have intestinal obstruction as a result of the examinations, was released to its natural habitat after the completion of its treatment.

Sensitive and animal-loving people of Balıkesir always stand by their friends on the streets. A citizen who brought the cat he found sick on the street to the Bandırma Stray Animal Treatment Center of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Department of Environmental Protection and Control saved the life of the animal friend. The cat, which was found to have intestinal obstruction as a result of the examinations, was taken into surgery after the first intervention of veterinarians. The cat, which was discharged after 15 days of treatment in the intensive care unit, was released to its natural habitat.